Get creative with your own fundraising campaign. Host a workout fundraiser within your community, open a curbside bake sale, or gather a team and host a walkathon. The possibilities are endless and every dollar raised goes to providing comprehensive personal support and removing financial obstacles for severely wounded post-9/11 veterans.
It only takes a minute to set up a fundraising campaign. Pick a name. Pick photo. And just like that, you are ready to raise money! Once your fundraising campaign is set up, use the power of communication and tell everyone. The more people you tell, the quicker you reach your goal!
If you want to join forces with your friends, family, or community, do so by creating your own team.

Golf Tournament
Turn a fun day at the fairway into life-changing opportunities for our Sentinels. Beeb’s Sports Bar and Grill hosted a golf tournament raising $18,000 in support of Sentinels of Freedom.

Bike Race
Support SOF with every mile in our annual V3 Hopfest Bike Ride. Set the wheels in motion for a great day to benefit an even greater cause.

Personal Fundraising
Start Your Fundraiser

Host a Dinner
Gather your local community and break bread. Sentinels Breg Hughes, Brian Weber, and Mark Robbins attended a dinner hosted by a Sentinels of Freedom supporter.
Sentinels of Freedom can be a partner in your fundraiser. We are here to answer questions or pass along additional tips for successful fundraising provided by other supporters like you. Contact us and we can provide templates for materials, sample words and phrases for messaging, logos, and other artwork.

Fundraising Tip #1
The #1 key to a successful event? Great planning. Lock in the essentials early on. Your financial goal, date, and venue? Who will you invite? How? When? Let us in on your plan right away. We can help in all planning phases.

Fundraising Tip #2
Reach out early to sponsors and other volunteers. Determine how you’ll accept donations — credit cards, checks, cash? Will you serve food and beverages? Will you need tables, chairs, and a stage? How will you set them up? Don’t worry: We’ve got a checklist to help make preparation easier.

Fundraising Tip #3
Get the word for your fundraiser out early and often. Ask sponsors to publicize the event on their websites and their social media. Take advantage of our photos, logos, and other materials to deliver your messages. Don’t forget “old school” standbys: on-site banners or posters, local newspaper ads, community boards. We’ve got what you need make your fundraiser a success.

Fundraising Tip #4
First, take the time to celebrate the outstanding event you and your team made happen. Remind your supporters exactly where their funds will go. Determine the net revenue and send it to Sentinels of Freedom. We’ll give you everything you need to get things done — always beginning with our deepest gratitude for changing the lives of the brave Sentinels who are making the journey back to a self-supporting civilian life.
“Sentinels of Freedom has been an amazing support system in my transition out of the military. I am so grateful that they have helped me in working towards my industrial engineering degree both financially and also with coaching. Being a Sentinel has enabled me to focus on my studies rather than having to work more hours or take out loans in order to help get me through school.”
Lina Efremenkova
U.S. Marines, Bachelors of Industrial Engineering from Louisiana State University