by Ravish Azad | Dec 19, 2022
“Following along the side of our Sentinels journey, from application to graduation and beyond, I have witnessed the growth, success, and positive impact the Bridge for Education program provides. Sentinels of Freedom offers support when the tough situations arise, encouragement along the way, and celebrates as goals are accomplished.”
“Our focus on ‘education first’ is spot on with what most wounded veterans need most. That includes an individual, hands-on focus on each veteran, including the commitment to support them until they graduate.”
“I was fortunate to be there at the start of Mike Conklin’s vision for what Sentinels of Freedom would become today. As with many great endeavors, they tend to start with a small simple step. Mike came to my office and expressed his desire to help a local wounded warrior with his need for housing upon his discharge and return home. I was grateful for the opportunity to help and offer him housing.”
“I like that Sentinels requires its candidates to be accountable — to go back to school or work as soon as their injuries allow. I also like the requirement to meet with a financial planner to get their financial lives in order.”
“What makes the SOF programs different from other similar programs? SOF has higher expectations — it’s about ‘earning rather than giving.’ That’s why I see our Sentinels as ‘thrivers’ not just ‘survivors.’ ’’
“I see Sentinels not as a charity but as an investment vehicle. The upside created by unlocking the potential of these veterans is truly ‘off the charts.’”
“These men and women stepped up to defend America, and they’ve been injured in the line of duty. It’s our obligation to look out for them.”
“I can tell you from personal experience that transitioning from military to civilian life is not easy. The rules are different. The pace is different. Especially if there’s a significant injury.”
“Each Sentinel leaves the program with a new mission, a new purpose, and the support he or she needs to build a great future.”
“I may have lost my legs, but the Sentinels program has given me a big step forward into a new life. And importantly, the help we Sentinels get is not temporary, not just a one-time gift … Its benefits are there for the rest of our lives.”
“It is our responsibility as Americans to support those who serve and protect our freedoms. The Sentinels program is about hands-on support for severely injured vets. It prepares them for the future.”
“Over the history of our great nation, the price of our freedom and safety has been paid by men and women who were willing to serve. Our wounded veterans have paid a disproportionate share of that burden. Sentinels of Freedom helps give some back by helping these exceptional soldiers in their transition to exceptional civilians.”
“In SOF’s mission, we are meeting our national responsibility as citizens to support those severely wounded veterans who have served and sacrificed to defend our freedom.”